Parking Strip

A parking strip is a narrow piece of non-paved property, typically belonging to the municipality, between the street and sidewalk. The parking strip is used as a public utility right of way and is often planted with street trees, annuals and biennials or sometimes just grass. The parking strip may also be covered with crushed stone or hard pack. Homeowners are usually responsible for the maintenance of the parking strip in front of their home, whether or not they are the ones to install the plantings. The width of the strip will often dictate the type of planting or surface material placed on it. Before planting the parking strip, check the local ordinances for plant height and type. Things to consider before taking on the parking strip is the amount of maintenance required and if the design will be easily integrated into the surrounding landscape. Another consideration is whether salt from the road surface treatment will have a negative impact on the parking strip if it’s located in a winter climate.