IPG was retained through the United States Bankruptcy court system to handle the difficult assignment of selling a restaurant on famous Bleecker Street.
When a famous restaurant declared bankruptcy, IPG Real Estate was the courts go-to real estate agency to take on the difficult assignment. The assignment was to sell a 1,500 square foot dinning area restaurant which has been in business for 14 years. The owner had to declare bankruptcy which led IPG to the challenging, yet achievable task.
Our own, Keith Radhuber, has been handling the assignment with grace through the many unforeseen obstacles. “The challenge is that the current lease is at current or high market value”, says Radhuber. He continues by saying that “We need a client who is highly motivated to locate their business specifically in the heart of the village”.
“We are experts in regard to real estate transactions that involve the united states federal court system.” Says George Donohue, president of IPG Real Estate. “This is one of the more challenging assignments we’ve had and we look forward to a speedy resolution.”
IPG is working closely with everyone involved to achieve the best outcome for all those affected.
Written by: Lindsay Craven